Enhanced Communication Skills Training
At the end of the session participants will be able to:
- Identify & discuss challenges in communicating with patients, families and carers
- Demonstrate the relevant specific communication skills and behaviours required for effective communication
- Demonstrate an understanding and the application of a model for communication
Intended Audience
Qualified Clinical Staff who have regular patient contact.
Please note: There is an expectation that all staff will actively participate and engage within the sessions to enhance personal development. This is a two day course and delegates are expected to attend both days. This course can be utilised as supporting evidence for revalidation with the NMC.
St Benedict’s Hospice & Centre for Specialist Palliative Care, Ryhope, Sunderland, SR2 0NY
Dates & Times
For dates and times for 2025 please contact the Education Team
£500.00 per person or free to South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust staff members and can be booked through OLM/Oracle.
How to Book
South Tyneside & Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust Staff Members – Click Here to log onto Oracle/OLM and book your place
External Staff – please download the booking form (PDF format or Word Format) and return to stsft.stbenlecturer@nhs.net
If you would like further information on this course please do not hesitate to contact The Education Department on Tel: 0191 512 8437 or Email: stsft.stbenlecturer@nhs.net