Day Services
At St Benedict’s Hospice & Centre for Specialist Palliative Care, we provide a range of specialist palliative care via our Day Services.
0191 512 8440
Our staff, patients and volunteers work together as a team with one shared
aim – to provide personalised care whilst maintaining the dignity, privacy and
informed choice for each patient. Hospice day services offer an honest, open
environment; we aim to make your visit as comfortable as possible. We will ensure you are well informed of services available to allow you to make choices that are meaningful to you and your family/carers.
Day Services operates Monday-Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm. Following a referral, you will be given an appointment to attend for an initial assessment. During this appointment a holistic assessment for your needs will be undertaken and from that a plan of care will be agreed with you. This will be dependent on your individual needs and you may be asked to attend as an outpatient for ongoing assessment and support by the individual services you require.
To find out more about our Day Services, call us on 0191 512 8440 or read our dedicated leaflet today.